In times of challenge and uncertainty, Fire’s medicine helps people find connection, courage and life purpose. Sacred Fire is a global network of initiated Firekeepers, teachers and guides who help people experience the benefits of Fire’s healing presence in the world.
Find deeper meaning in this non-stop world. Experience the Wisdom of Sacred Fire.
Why Fire?
Anthropologists say the first human use of fire was at least 800,000 years ago. For the ancestors of our ancestors, opening this relationship was the defining spark in human awareness. Since those ancient times, Fire has been experienced as the energy of Heart—both individually and communally—holding our deepest knowing, wisdom, and the awakening connection to who we are, to each other, and to the greater world.
Why Fire now?
In these times of uncertainty and rapid change, it is common to feel increasingly disconnected from ourselves, each other, and the world. As the energy of transformation, Fire is a primordial healing presence for all of us. In the natural world Fire burns away deadwood and decay, allowing forests to be reborn into lushness. Likewise, our hearts long to burn away fear and worn-out patterns, allowing us a fresh start to rebuild life-sustaining connections.